Friday, September 25, 2020

the king is dead

- top vegan memes

the antler on the yellow jeep is illegal you are not allowed to have projecting hood ornaments should i report it or let it slide?

so it's about 50/50 so i compromized and reported to wagm wgme and the bdn

oh i forgot - there is an out of business burger king at the other end of the parking lot

the guy who owned it owned the one in caribou and one in houlton

in 2015 as a bernie supporter i was hit by cars 3 times in one day in caribou the 3rd time by a guy in a pickup who yelled at me for walking late at night by the burger king he followed me and i yelled back at him then he passed and he put his junker in reverse and tried to run me down but i jumped behind a sign just in time as he hit me

i went to the burger king drive thru where he had gone i wanted to order a veggie burger (i was vegetarian back then) and find out who the guy was but the girl wouldnt open the window and called police on me

the first two times that day i had been hit by cars while walking in the crosswalks

caribou is republican senator collins' hometown and both it and presque isle are very red towns

i had lost $80 somehow when i tried the animal tested impossible whopper at the presque isle bk i guess i dropped it under the seat or something 

all three burger kings went out of business before covid

presque isle is now under a d3 severe drought

ive been hit 9 times by cars 3 times while riding bikes and 6 times as a pedestrian

mccain's french fries headquarter is just across the aroostook and u s border line in florenceville, new brunswick and it has a factory in easton, maine which processes 1/3 of all aroostook county potatos 

a friend who worked there said they make all of burger king's french fries tho using both maine and idaho potatos

burger king merged with tim horton's and their combined headquarters is now in toronto, canada but the corporation that owns both of them and wendy's, restaurant brands international, has their parent company, 3g capital,  based in fascist controlled brazil

maine vehicle inspection requirements (pdf) 3rd to last paragraph up


so i was in the suncoast center  homeless outreach to get my meds on 9/11 and the receptionist had brought out a tv and set it up because of the disaster

there was a homeless lady also waiting to see the nurse and i thought 'that's odd, she's smiling' 

then i thought 'huh ! i'm smiling too' 

prwora, which kicked single moms off Welfare after 60 months was signed 60 months and 20 days before 9/11

Don’t give up

After the late Rev. Jerry Falwell blamed 9-11 on pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays and the ACLU, a little see-through angel appeared in a vision and told me: “It was because you kicked people off welfare.” I Googled it. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, requiring poor families to leave Temporary Assistance to Needy Families within 60 months, was enacted Aug. 22, 1996; 60 months and 20 days later was Sept. 11, 2001.

Who created the housing bubble by speculating in real estate with loans at interest rates lowered by the Fed to prop up the markets after 9-11? People on food stamps?

Who got people to accept sub-prime mortgages with escalating variable rates by claiming the people could get a better mortgage when their home’s value rose due to the bubble? Homeless people?

Who packaged those mortgages, got them inaccurately rated and sold them as securities, creating the credit crunch? Methadone clinics?

Who drastically increased many types of insurance premiums? Planned Parenthood?

If you’ve been on TANF and injured by putdowns on these pages and by multimillionaires who make their living disparaging the poor — I apologize.

Check out Luke 6:20-26 and Google the Kate Bush-Peter Gabriel video “Don’t Give Up.”

God didn’t begrudge America His help.

Keith C. Taft

Van Buren

- bangor daily news letters to the editor february 8th, 2010

Thursday, September 17, 2020

green mountain racetrack just burned down

green mountain race track just burned down wednsday, september 16th 

because of the rooney family, many of us got to shake steve grogan's hand there

so wtc had 400 tons of asbestos that would have cost billions to clean up now the owners and leasers got a double insurance payout instead

the green mountain race track was built in 1963 and asbestos, which was a common building product from the 1920s until being banned in 1991 (then the ban was overturned making the u s the only nation where asbestos is still legal, which doctors say eventualy will kill millions from 9/11 alone), was probably used in the building of it

had a day labor ticket in the 90s removing asbestos from the old dillard's store at tyrone square mall in st pete we just moved most of the hardware they hired mexicans who wore full tyvek suits and respirators to remove the actual asbestos, but chuncks of it were laying around all over where we worked

a guy named virgil who looked very similar to paul hogan (crocodile dundee) said he had just gotten out of prison for setting his mother in law's house on fire killing her and took a gob of wet drywall putty and stuck it in the tail pipe of the police car the security cop who was there i guess to keep us from stealing the asbestos drove

later, virgil got a job at coastal, makers of mfg homes and trailers and came up with an innovation that the owner said saved him a $ million / year got a raise and bought a moped

had first worked with virgil out of labor world where billy corgan worked and i remember virgil had what they called a 'mobile home' - those collapsible shopping carts poor people put their sleeping bags and stuff into so they can carry it where they go and it wont get stolen

a real rags to veggieburger story

i worked at coastal one day and the whole group of laborers i went there with and i got fired when the boss asked what time we got there and a planted laborer said a time earlier than we did and the rest of us just kept our mouths shut so he fired us 

i think coastal made the fema trailers that had used pressure treated wood with formaldehyde in them that caused a bunch of cancers after katrina they are out of business now

iberkshire's photos

bennington banner says green mountain race track closed for good 2 years after  asbestos was banned for a while:

Thursday, September 10, 2020

another nobel prize for obama ?

post link:

another nobel prize for obama ?

obama met with the u a e crown prince at the white house in 2015 and israel opened an embassy in u a e a short while later in 2015

'Obama meets Monday with crown prince of tiny UAE'

- by tom hussein, mcclatchy foreign staff april 19, 2015:

'Israel to Open Diplomatic Office in United Arab Emirates'

- by diaa hadid in the new york times

nov. 27, 2015:

professor wyckoff

post link :

the williamstown historical museum says mrs wyckoff was the first town select woman in berkshire county

North Adams Transcript (Newspaper)

- August 31, 1970, North Adams, Massachusetts—The Transcript, Monday, August 31st 1970 

Deaths William O. Wyckoff, 78, Williams College alumnus

'William Ozmun Wyckoff, 78, of 14 Baxter Road, Williamstown, a former trustee of Williams College and retired placement director of the college, died Saturday at the North Adams Hospital after a short illness. Mr. Wyckoff graduated from Williams in the class of 1914 and served as permanent secretary of his class. His term as a trustee of the college extended from 1932 to 1937.

In 1946, following a term of service as major in the U.S. Army during World War 2. he was appointed the first placement director at his alma mater and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1957 He was awarded the Rogerson Cup by Williams College in 1960, This cup is regarded as the most coveted alumni award and is given for outstanding service, loyalty and achievement, "The Williams Alumni Assn in 1960 awarded him the Joseph's Coat, an annual award to a loyal Williams man who is high in the affectionate regard and esteem of his fellow alumni"

Mr Wyckoff following his graduation from Williams College, taught at the • iilman School Baltimore. Maryland, and served in World War I He then worked for the Federal Reserve System and later was associated with Coffin and Burr an investment firm with offices in New \ork City. A member of the Williams Club of New York City,  he served as governor of the club and also as an officer.

Not content with his many college associated activities, including a major interest in supporting the Alumni fund, Mr Wyckoff took just as active a part in Williamstown affairs and was an ardent supporter of all enterprises that might benefit his adopted town.

He was a commander and officer of the Williamstown auxiliary Police and served as statistical officer until last year.

He was also a member of the American Legion and took part in the work of the Richard A Ruether Post.

He is survived by his wife, the former Katharine Slater Haskell; a stepson James S Haskell of New York City and I stepdaughter Mrs. William C Turrer (rf Westport Conn.

Burial will be Tuesday at the Lakeview Cemetery. Ithaca N.Y. and will be private.

A memorial service wiil be held in the Thompson Memonal Chapel, Williams College Thursday Afternoon at 2 o clock.

It is requested that flowers be omitted Memorial contributions may be made to the Williams College Alumni Fund The Hopkins Funeral Home Williamstown, is in charge ot arrangements.'

- north adams transcript, monday august 31st, 1970