Thursday, October 14, 2021

cotton t shirt art

cluett estate blog post

i didn't know i just accidently happened on that post !

was just trying to think of something i remembered earlier today i was going to mention but forgot then i thought it would be neat to put a t-shirt on a canvas stretcher which reminded me - writing teachers tell us to write about what we know so i decided to look into my hometown to see what happened to me and what i found out was astounding as might your hometowns be as well, tho little did i know

i just found out last year the cluetts owned an estate near our house a long time ago and invented the process for pre shrinking cotton shirts so they don't shrink when you wash them

the cluetts created the arrow shirt company

they lived next to the proctors who owned proctor and gamble and the proctor who lived in our town created the name 'ivory soap'

- 280 stone hill road

the foundation of the proctor's mansion is still visible somewhere up upon stone hill road tho i never had a clue it was there all the times i used to hike home along it after the football games at the highschool, which was near sinclair lewis's estate, thorvale, at the north-west corner of the highschool where i once heard there was a cave near the cross country trail when i did cross country in junior high - and there was - only the cave runs all along the land of the highschool to the field farm, i just found out ! or when i was little and our mom (who was a field) used take me hiking up to the old stone bench, that might have been dedicated to a german ww1 spy who used to sit there when it was bare meadow and watch the old airport where the school is now !

we had to wear ties to school on the day of or before football games and i just  remembered my favorite tie shirt was a red and white thin striped arrow shirt with the collar you could button down !

the milne family created a private grade school at the cluett estate, but it has not yet been made clear whether or not the milnes were related to a a milne whose dad also created and ran a private grade school in england

the milne family's son, david might or might not be the canadian artist david brown milne

all these famous people once lived there but we had only heard bits and pieces of who they were, now it is like william shatner's historic space tweet quoting isaac newton - we have all waded into an ocean of knowledge, without knowing it was there

- learn to become an artist fb group (closed - join, it is fun !)