Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Gen X Movies


You've heard the terms:


Double Income No Kids

Casual friday


Yuppie kennel


Computer nerd






Space Cadet


Punk rock



Flying under the radar

Turn it up to 11





'Za (pizza)




Ball caps



To the max


Going postal

Chill out

Cool your jets

Get a grip

Fly girl


No way 



Like, as in 'Like, totally !'


You rock !

Shock jock


Valley Girl 

They came from a generation less studiedthan any other in the present age, yet at least according to marketers, considered the most culturally influential in 2016.

Encyclopedia Brittanica says they were the first generation to grow up with cable and color TV, 24 hour news, digital music, co-ed sports, video games, the missing children 'Milk Carton Kids' and are often called 'Latch key kids', 'The MTV generation' and 'The Invisible Generation.'

Generation X orders more pizza than any other generation.

They are also the smallest and most overlooked corporate designated generation when they are demarcated at between 1965-1981, while Baby Boomers are indexed at between 1945 and 1965, and millennials are pinned between 1981 and 2004.

Yet The World Economic Forum said in 2021 that the overlooked and misidentified Generation X now holds the most cultural power.

- Goth Wiki

'The novel was a sleeper bestseller,[11] growing in popularity after a slow start.[9] The terms Generation X and McJob entered the popular vernacular through the book,[12][13] and Coupland [born in 1961] was declared [by whom?] a spokesman for Generation X by the Guardian Newspaper and lauded for having a feeling for the zeitgeist of the age.[14]'

- Generation X: Tales for an Accellerated Culture (1991 Douglass Coupland) wiki

Douglass Coupland's perception of Generation X were people born in the late 1950s and early 1960s

The marketing and survey corporations didn't like that because it made an un-neat extension of the Baby Boom Generation that began at the end of World War 2 in 1945 - to less than the recognized pre-determined generational span of 20 years for every generation - which fit within their establishmental rigidity, even though the start date of 1945 was artificially constructed.

The corporate marketers listed Gen X between a 15 year span 1965-1980, skewing the data against the overlooked generation the Strauss - Howe construct says began in 1961 and ended in 1981.

Anyone from either generation knows all to well the schizm that occured when the Monkees Saturday Morning T V show first appeared in the summer of 1966 targeting children with a new genre of music called 'Bubblegum Rock'.

To the baby boom Beatles fans, The Monkeys were a commercial, pre packaged made for TV group that had no musical legitimacy nor artistic validity.

To this new, as yet undefined, young cultural agregate, The Monkeys were fun, colorful and entertaining without requiring a lot of thought or world view knowledge - they were funny and sounded good.

Thus was created the clear and precise divide between Baby Boomers and the  unnamed generation following them.

The Baby Boomers were the most studied, talked about and marketed to generation in history, in fact, they may have created the influence generational divides enjoy today, as they really were the first to be identified as a generation at all.

They changed the world for the better ending wars, racism and sexual discrimination with a cultural awareness of their power as the most populous generation ever, while ad agencies drooled over them.

Gen X is so named because so little was known about them, they were overlooked under the massive power of the Woodstock Flower Child Bohemian Peaceniks and Haight Ashbury Love In Electric Koolaid Acid testers who gobbled up all of the news media's attention not spent on covering the war (Vietnam - Southeast Asia war) and Watergate.

The unmentioned younger brothers and sisters watched and learned how to make things better and how to make things fairer from their older siblings, while remaining incognito and stealthy.

But that is the crux of what separated those cohorts, the acceptance, or at least the using of commercialism by the then unidentified  younger siblings vs the then established outright opposition to it by the anti war baby boomers.

So then came The Archies, The Partridge Family, The Jackson 5 and Sonny and Cher plus a host of cartoon musical groups to cater to this new phenomenon.

Bubblegum Music Wiki

The bubblegum rock genre was credited with ispiring the birth of the U S punk and Post Punk rock cultures :

'“The Ramones, you listen to their songs and they’re complete bubblegum pop, without a doubt.” Lead singer Joey Ramone readily admitted, “We really liked bubblegum music, and we really liked the Bay City Rollers. Their song ‘Saturday Night’ had a great chant in it, so we wanted a song with a chant in it: ‘Hey! Ho! Let’s go!’ on ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ was our ‘Saturday Night.’ ” The Ramones wore leather biker jackets and ripped jeans and had tough scowls on their faces, but that pose was also underpinned by a Warholian irony and poppy fizz. Craig Leon noted that they embraced bubblegum and 1960s pop as “a return to the rock ’n’ roll roots.'

- The University of Iowa exempted from 'The Downtown Pop Underground'

The Beatles vs The Monkeys -

This was the clear cultural divide between the two age groups, one still undefined, that still separates each group today.

Cultural Generations Wiki

Generation X Wiki

Samatha Mathis (born in 1970), who portrays 'The Eat Me Beat Me Lady' in the 1990 classic 'Pump Up The Volume', was dating River Phoenix (born in 1970) when he died of an overdose leaving 'The Viper Club', and was a member of the Screen Actors Guild's negotiating team when they went on strike in 2023 to secure digital rights for actors.

ShowBiz411 September 27th, 2023

- Tilt August 27th 2020 (Steven Silver)

Pump Up the Volume inspired the modern Shock Jock radio genre.

The Brat Pack personified the Generation X presumed identity, until Gen X was declared  dead in 1994 by it's creator, Coupland, for being co-oped by marketing groups, which he claimed the very cynicaland corporatist distrusting generation would not tolerate.

Gen X Wiki

The Brat Pack, according to Wikipedia:

Emilio Esteves (born in 1962)

Anthony Michael Hall (born in 1968)

Rob Lowe (born in 1964)

Andrew McCarthy (born in 1962)

Demi Moore (born in 1962)

Judd Nelson (born in 1959)

Molly Ringwald (born in 1968)

Ally Sheedy (born in 1962)

Tom Cruise (born in 1962)

Timothy Hutton (born in 1960)

Charlie Sheen (born in 1965)

James Spader (born in 1960)

Robert Downy Jr (born in 1965)

Kevin Bacon (born in 1958)

Matthew Broderick (born in 1962)

Jon Cryer (born in 1965)

John Cusack (born 1966)

Nicholas Cage (born in 1964)

Jamie Gertz (born in 1965)

Mary Stewart Masterson (born 1966)

Sean Penn (born in 1960)

Keifer Sutherland (born 1966)

Lea Thompson (born in 1961)

Melissa Gilbert (born in 1964)

Henry Dean Stanton (born in 1926)

Movie Web, June 13th, 2023 (Taryn Flahrety)

The World Economic Forum said in 2021 that the overlooked and misidentified Generation X holds the most cultural power.



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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

miss robinson


- Haarets

David M Neumann

lona cohen grew up in adams, mass - just south of north adams, where dr preston robinson, who lived in our town of williamstown, worked

dr robinson invented the tantalum capacitor for sprague electric that triggered the first a bombs 


sprague revolutionized capacitors by making them out of plastic film instead of paper

charles webb wrote 'the graduate' after graduating from the college the town was named for in 1961

mom died 8 days after rfk was killed by thane cesar and a mind control victim 

rfk was killed at the ambassador hotel, which was the filming location in the movie 'the graduate' for the tryst scene between dustin hoffman's breakthrough role character 'benjamin braddock' and 'mrs robinson', portrayed by anne bancroft

for the novel and the movie the hotel was renamed 'the taft hotel'

mom worked for professor wykoff at the college, could allegedly type 200 wpm and used to make extra money typing term papers for the college kids

her maiden name was hall, and uncle loyd hosted the hall family reunions in a field across from his house on hancock road, which later, when i was in high school, was the house next to a house owned by a family named robinson

charles webb bought an 11 room mansion somewhere out on hancock road, lived with his family there a few weeks, then donated it to the audobon society (bird sanctuaries promoters)

our cousin bob hall worked for g e in pittsfield, mass 15 miles south

trump's cousin christine philp (john trump's daughter) lived in 

pittsfield, and her husband also worked at g e there

the pittsfield, mass g e ordnance division built the guidance systems for the minuteman icbm missiles edward hall, theodore's older brother, invented

Thora Potts

the rockefellers funded the building of the a bomb and according to dr ernest lawrence of the lawrence livermore labs are credited with the creation of the a bomb and nuclear energy

the rockefellers built the university of chicago where the manhattan project occurred

an eugenicist professor at the university of chicago was the main promoter of eugenics in germany

the rockefellers funded the department of eugenics at the kaiser wilhelm institute josef mengele worked at and standard oil was a partner of i g farben who built and owned awschwitz

the rockefellers also brought eric traub to the u s and still own the yellow index cards of hundreds of thousands of americans' biological traits created at the eugenics records office in mauntock, long island they funded and founded

eugenics convinced germany that jewish people should be kilt

standard oil and dupont created the tetra ethyl lead company that made leaded gas and aviation fuel that did not 'knock' in petroleum engines

as part of their partnership with i g farben, standard oil gave the formula to i g farben, who gave it to the lufftwaffe

racism might have just been a convenient tool for the rockefellers, who before dna testing claimed to be flemish

tetra ethyl lead causes schizophrenia and the aktion t4 program executed or sterilized all schizophrenics in germany

eugenics tried to convince the world that schizophrenia was inherited not aquired from the environment

david rockefeller founded the 'club of rome'

the nazis believed the 'holy roman empire' (an area comprising mostly of where germany is today) was the first reich

hitler copied mussolini who invented modern day fascism, but he learned it from the romans who murdered jesus and then blamed the jewish people for jesus's death (the romans executed people by crucifixion, the jewish people by stoning - st stephen was executed by stoning while saul - st paul (who was a roman citizen and a jewish pharisee) - held the rock throwers' coats


Friday, June 2, 2023

 The Hansons

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Most Excellent !

Did you know the Bangles' bassist Mickie Steele was a founding member of 'The Runaways' with Lita Ford and Joan Jett ?

Commenting on a WCFM post, where Andy was a DJ when we were in highschool, a theory developed and took form.

It moved slowly, swirling around my brain, like it was waiting to be deflated and returned to the pool cabana.

Did 'The White Shadow' TV program start the amazing careers of Tim Van Patten, Sean Penn, Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves ?

We tried it out on a Sports Illustrated Facebook story post.

Salami calling a record producer.

Here is a Giphy of Skeeter from 1981 who along with Julian, passed away at the beginning of Covid.

Skeeter and Chet were both amazing athletes and looked rather similar to Sinclair Lewis.

Sinclair Lewis lived in Thorvale Farm in town, on Oblong Road below where Christopher Reeve's house is, overlooking Kidder Hollow.

The referee Eric Lewis, who faces suspension from the NBA for defending himself on Twitter with burner accounts, just did what all of us do in the daily online battle for righteousness and truth:

Make up a name like Rauol Duke or Sir Bangles Spermspangler.

If the NBA doesn't want someone telling the league what they can and can't say they better let it go.

Now on to something important:

Bette Davis grew up in Lanesborough, Mass between Pittsfield, Mass where Elizabeth Banks grew up and Williamstown, where Gwyneth Paltrow grew up.

- charles tranberg, fb

Bette Davis grew up in Lanesborough, Mass 7 miles from Williamstown where Gwyneth Paltrow learned to act as a child, and next to Pittsfield, Mass where Elizabeth Banks grew up.

Gwyneth's cover version of 'Bette Davis Eyes' made it to #5 on the Australian pop charts.

- Suburban Life Magazine


Gwyneth Paltrow played Little League Baseball in Williamstown at the same time Elizabeth Banks played Little League Baseball in Pittsfield.

- Hartford Courant

- Fandango

Gwyneth was born on September 27th, 1972 while Elizabeth was born on February 10th, 1974 1 year and 5 months apart...So they might have played during the same seasons !

Elizabeth broke her leg sliding into third and took up acting.

Elizabeth Banks portrays Peter Parker's bfwb 'Betty Brant' while Gwyneth Paltrow potrays Tony Stark's bfwb 'Pepper Potts'.

The Molly Stark Byway 

The way we heard it told when we were kids, was General Stark was in dire straits with supplies running low at the Battle of Bennington and his wife, Molly, brought a wagon train over the rugged terrain from New Hampshire to refortify Stark's Troops, which included 'The First Berkshire Contigent'

We used to play our PeeWee football games against Bennington's team on a field next to the Bennington Monument.

Now we love our former enemies:

Gwyneth was married to Cold Play's Chris Martin.

- Billboard June 2nd, 2023

Aunt Sally ?:

-  Uncle Howie's obit

This was Uncle Howie's and Howie Jr's house where Billy Evans' grew up, the third part of the house on the left was owned by another family with Howie Jr's family in the middle.

I had found it online around 2015 and it had at that time been designated as an historic site, because it had been biult by one of the owners of the Berkshire Cotton Mill.

Aunt Sally and Uncle Howie's house is about 4000' feet from Sarah's house on Tyler Street.

'last month, specifically june 23rd, 2022 was the 50th anniversary of the enactment of title 9'

- hadji

Gwyneth Paltrow's dad created 'The White Shadow' which ran from 1978-1981 while the Paltrows lived in Williamstown during the summers doing the Williamstown Theater Festival.

Did Tim Van Patten's 'Mario 'Salami' Pettrino from 'The White Shadow' TV show  inspire 'Jeff Spicoli', Sean Penn's breakthrough role in 1982's 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' and hence also 1989's 'Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure' which were Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves' breakthrough roles ?

The Hanson Brothers

Tim Van Patten

Sean Penn

Judd Nelson

Keanu Reeves

Alex Winter

Slap Shot (1977)

The White Shadow (1978-1981)

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

The Breakfast Club (1985)

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

'In 1904, the United States decided to throw a little weight around and...' - Mr Hand.

William Howard Taft weighed 314 lbs.

WHT & Cuba

'But that's also the beauty of the character Sean Penn created three decades ago: the guy is so over the top that he just couldn't be real, right? Penn himself has long admitted that Jeff Spicoli was based on an actual living, breathing human he knew as a teenager in Malibu.'

Wonder if Bruce Paltrow created the character 'Salami' while writing 'The White Shadow' treatment / storyline as his family acted in Williamstown in the 1970s ?

There was a townie where I lived in Massachusetts who was just like 'Spicoli', 'Salami' and 'Bill & Ted' he was Dougie Blair - used to peel potatos with him when we were dishwashers at the River House Restaurant in the summer of 1983. 

Nikos used bring legit stars with him to eat at the restaurant almost every weekend during the summer.


Ken Howard, Christopher Reeve, Jennifer Harmon, Marissa Berenson and Blythe Danner in 1983's Williamstown Theater Festival production of 'Holiday':

Dougie cut himself once and said with that same humorous surfer / stoner accent: 'Whoops, cut myself' and just kept peeling the potatos - very funny !


Dougie's a chef himself now !

The Trail House Restaurant and Kitchen is...

Just over the Williamstown town line in North Adams, near the airport Christopher Reeve used to fly gliders out of.

'Trail House Kitchen & Bar
896 State Rd, North Adams, MA 01247'

(413) 412-1090

Dougie and Mutt were close friends and Mutt's step-dad Dick owned, was head chef at, and ran The River House, until he sold it to who I believe were the Kaufman's at the end of the summer I worked there.

^ This was one of the most popular songs at the time so I believe it was in the summer of '83 (when Bryan Adams' Summer of '69' was also very popular)

Mutt was the prep cook if I recall, and was our linebacker my senior year his junior year at Mt Greylock where he dislocated his shoulder on a play I believe, occurred against Hoosac Valley at their field, then had Dean Satrape pop it back in for him and Mutt returned to the field for the next play.

Scott, sitting down in the middle of the photo was their close friend as well (they were all what we used call 'hoods' you probably used to call them 'stoners' - we used to call them 'the hoods' because they all used to wear hooded sweatshirts with Levi's jackets or plaid lumberjack coat shirts)

Mutt is standing at the left.

Anyway, Scott broke two vertebrae in a game at the beginning of I guess it was that same season, and only missed two games.

Tough kids !

- Judd Nelson portrayed the stoner in 1985's 'The Breakfast Club'

I am not sure if the Kaufmans were the same people who created the once world famous KB Toys, in Pittsfield.

Joseph Kaufman and his brother Harry founded KB (Kaufman Brothers) Toys.

This Howard Kaufman died in Lenox. The obit says He was Joseph Kaufman, the founder of KB Toys, son:

Marshall's apparently is not Marshall Field's.

The founder of Marshall Fields was from Conway, mass near Pittsfield, and moved to Pittsfield before founding the famous store in Chicago.

Marshall's was founded in 1956 in Beverly, Massachusetts.

I wonder if it is where the River House, which used to be on Water Street in Williamstown, moved to ?

Here's the menu:

Looks just like The River House

- the trail house kitchen and bar 

- iberkshires

- Colleen Taylor operates 3 restaurants in North Adams including The Trail House, which has seen business drop off this year as The Williamstown Theater Festival, where a big restructuring of the theater's business model - has led to a drastically shortened season !:

- iberkshires

.- the williams record

- my purple crayon consulting