Friday, September 25, 2020


so i was in the suncoast center  homeless outreach to get my meds on 9/11 and the receptionist had brought out a tv and set it up because of the disaster

there was a homeless lady also waiting to see the nurse and i thought 'that's odd, she's smiling' 

then i thought 'huh ! i'm smiling too' 

prwora, which kicked single moms off Welfare after 60 months was signed 60 months and 20 days before 9/11

Don’t give up

After the late Rev. Jerry Falwell blamed 9-11 on pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays and the ACLU, a little see-through angel appeared in a vision and told me: “It was because you kicked people off welfare.” I Googled it. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, requiring poor families to leave Temporary Assistance to Needy Families within 60 months, was enacted Aug. 22, 1996; 60 months and 20 days later was Sept. 11, 2001.

Who created the housing bubble by speculating in real estate with loans at interest rates lowered by the Fed to prop up the markets after 9-11? People on food stamps?

Who got people to accept sub-prime mortgages with escalating variable rates by claiming the people could get a better mortgage when their home’s value rose due to the bubble? Homeless people?

Who packaged those mortgages, got them inaccurately rated and sold them as securities, creating the credit crunch? Methadone clinics?

Who drastically increased many types of insurance premiums? Planned Parenthood?

If you’ve been on TANF and injured by putdowns on these pages and by multimillionaires who make their living disparaging the poor — I apologize.

Check out Luke 6:20-26 and Google the Kate Bush-Peter Gabriel video “Don’t Give Up.”

God didn’t begrudge America His help.

Keith C. Taft

Van Buren

- bangor daily news letters to the editor february 8th, 2010

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