Wednesday, November 18, 2020

james phinney baxter lll post link


a 2009 ny times article by charles grassley says n a m i takes 3/4 of it's money from big pharma which sourcewatch says is 1/2 owned by the rockefeller family who funded the mcgill university allan memorial institute mk ultra experiments

- dr ewen cameron wikipedia

spartacus educational says dr ewen cameron was working for the o s s when he became director of the mcgill university psychology department in 1943 the year portland, maine's and williams college's james phinney baxter was head of the o s s

- spartacus educational 

- '25 years of nightmares'  washington post, july 28th, 1985

winston churchill's mom had lived in williamstown and gave williams college it's school color of purple

jerome house

purple nurple

hall house

clarissa in palmyra

j d rockefeller's daughter lived in williamstown

later, the alleged grandson of rudolf hess was claimed by a high school teacher of ours to be one of our classmates

this says james phinney baxter the 3rd was deputy director of the o s s in 1942 and then worked in vannevar bush's office of scientific and research and development:

our mom worked for professor wyckoff who graduated with high honors the same year as james phinney baxter lll and they edited the school paper together


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