Saturday, April 25, 2020 bitly

so i think sarah dewey graduated around 1974 with my sis

did she skip ahead or something ?

a sarah dewey was a pine cobble administrator so maybe sarah went to pine cobble

my memory is pretty ...what's the word ?

so i think i looked up sarah before but because she was friends with my sis

but if there was a real sarah dewey class of 1980 there must be 2 and now 3 because there is a 26 yr old sarah dewey at the wtf

the sarah dewey i remember lived up on ide or gale road and they had a pool

oh ok her name was melissa and my sis and her mutual friend was sarah...sheehy

and it appears sarah is her sister as they are on each other's friends' lists

the reason im poking my nose in their business is because there was a psychologist named dewey  and i really searched hard the last time i looked but i dont remember if i found a connection between our hometown deweys and the psych

- you know you are from williamstown if...(looky the famous author and journalist jon vankin as a first grader ! 😁)

so the psychologist / philosopher john dewey created a program called laboratory school at the university of chicago just before the year 1900 at the that taught kids straight through from kindergarten through the graduate degrees instead of shifting to different schools like the rest of us - half of the students have parents working at the laboratory schools

bernie, hillary, obama and reagan are all affiliated with the university of chicago

as were kurt vonnegut 'sirens of titan' and james tiptree jr 'the last flight of dr ain' who turned out to be alice sheldon

ronald reagans boyhood home was next to the university of chicago

when ronald reagan disarmed a gunman robbing an elderly lady he had been a fdr liberal

then he met nancy's adoptive father and he changed

nancy reagan's adoptive father was an arch conservative who lived in chicago's hyde park

he was also an o s s brain surgeon

nancy's biological dad was from pittsfield mass

kurt vonnegut worked at the albany g e where his brother bernard invented cloud seeding with another group of g e researchers who invented it using a different method

the first successful cloud seeding took place accidently just west and above of mt greylock

kurt vonnegut's 'sirens of titan' mentions a device used by the martian army commanders to mind control their soldiers

the commanders push a button on a little control apparatus in their pocket and a signal shuts of the soldiers' awareness so they obey orders thoughtlessly

cornell university and the albany g e are where the frey effect was discovered

kurt vonnegut was also affiliated with cornell university the rockefellers also funded and which funded the allan memorial institute at mcgill university where dr ewen cameron performed his mk ultra experiments

the rockefellers built the university of chicago

david rockefeller was behind the shah's family moving to williamstown and harry sheehy jr was head of their security when they lived in williamstown

david rockefeller was an officer in the o s s during ww2 and was regularly briefed by the c i a his adult life because the dulles brothers were his college friends at ...?

john foster dulles attended princeton university and worked for thomas dewey who became governor of ny

david rockefeller's brother john d the 3rd attended princeton graduating in 1929 much later than the dulleses i think

david rockefeller attended the university of chicago and the london school of economics where the head of the tavistock institute was a professor ?

''In his college days, Rockefeller befriended the CIA’s Dulles brothers and rubbed elbows with prominent CIA apparatchiks like Richard Helms, William Bundy and Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt Jr.'

- the grey zone

- rockefeller - rockefeller connections to jfk assassination

sry i delete in a bit

so, besides hal at toonerville trolley, in the 1980s harry sheehy's dad harry jr ran the small record store behind spring street, jimmy phiffer managed strawberries' records and tapes in pittsfield and my friend butchie told me the really hot chic that worked at that record store on main street in north adams was barbara schmidt, our former next door neighbor when we were kids - 'discoveries' photo - mr sheehy's obit -  harry jr's photo - harry lll is the director of athletics at dartmouth university

i bought evita there thinking it was the name of the 10,000 maniacs song i liked only to find out it was about the wife of a fascist dictator

'Recently, Goñi's research, drawing on investigations in Argentine, Swiss, American, British and Belgian government archives, as well as numerous interviews and other sources, was detailed in The Real ODESSA: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina (2002), showing how escape routes known as ratlines were used by former NSDAP members and like-minded people to escape trial and judgment.[62] Goñi places particular emphasis on the part played by Perón's government in organizing the ratlines, as well as documenting the aid of Swiss and Vatican authorities in their flight.' - juan peron wiki

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