Thursday, September 17, 2020

green mountain racetrack just burned down

green mountain race track just burned down wednsday, september 16th 

because of the rooney family, many of us got to shake steve grogan's hand there

so wtc had 400 tons of asbestos that would have cost billions to clean up now the owners and leasers got a double insurance payout instead

the green mountain race track was built in 1963 and asbestos, which was a common building product from the 1920s until being banned in 1991 (then the ban was overturned making the u s the only nation where asbestos is still legal, which doctors say eventualy will kill millions from 9/11 alone), was probably used in the building of it

had a day labor ticket in the 90s removing asbestos from the old dillard's store at tyrone square mall in st pete we just moved most of the hardware they hired mexicans who wore full tyvek suits and respirators to remove the actual asbestos, but chuncks of it were laying around all over where we worked

a guy named virgil who looked very similar to paul hogan (crocodile dundee) said he had just gotten out of prison for setting his mother in law's house on fire killing her and took a gob of wet drywall putty and stuck it in the tail pipe of the police car the security cop who was there i guess to keep us from stealing the asbestos drove

later, virgil got a job at coastal, makers of mfg homes and trailers and came up with an innovation that the owner said saved him a $ million / year got a raise and bought a moped

had first worked with virgil out of labor world where billy corgan worked and i remember virgil had what they called a 'mobile home' - those collapsible shopping carts poor people put their sleeping bags and stuff into so they can carry it where they go and it wont get stolen

a real rags to veggieburger story

i worked at coastal one day and the whole group of laborers i went there with and i got fired when the boss asked what time we got there and a planted laborer said a time earlier than we did and the rest of us just kept our mouths shut so he fired us 

i think coastal made the fema trailers that had used pressure treated wood with formaldehyde in them that caused a bunch of cancers after katrina they are out of business now

iberkshire's photos

bennington banner says green mountain race track closed for good 2 years after  asbestos was banned for a while:

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