Saturday, April 18, 2020

models of the week

you do not have operational success in williamstown

plentiful testing is the way germany, russia and the south east asian nations bordering china have kept their death rates so low while the u s death rate is at least twice as high targeting minorities at a much higher rate

u s death rate: 5.27%

germany's death rate 3.12%

Updated less than 20 mins ago

maine cdc director dr nirev shah says a travelling salesman was a super spreader who infected maine and a number of other states

this virus has mutated 40 times so far as of last week

covid 19 is coated with a layer of fat that can be broken down by bleach, microwave and u v light to destroy the virus

viruses are not alive, scientists are not exactly sure what they are

biogen spread the boston cluster and created interferon alfa 2b with merck and a merck subsidiary

the dr that invented it was given 3 awards by germany and one of the founders of biogen is german

germany has an extremely low covid death rate

merck was a ww2 nazi defense contractor

the german merck and the u s merck are the same family

the wuhan inst of virology is funded by the u s and big pharma as is the closely associated galveston national lab which had corona virus in 2016

the trump admin refused to ask w h o for their successful testing kits and the trump admin controlled cdc testing kits failed

they also refused to allow chinese made respirators similar to the n-95 into the u s when there was dire need for them by med professionals

the trump admin eliminated president obama's pandemic response team and an agency that investigated transmission of diseases from animals

xtyal int created biowarfare masks in north adams

this might be an act of biowarfare

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