Tuesday, April 14, 2020

bernie endorses joe


10% of alleged bernie supporters voted for trump in 2016

but jill offered bernie the green nomination over hers

the people who voted green did not harm hillary's vote who won by 2.1 % of the popular vote count and the florida tdms edison research pre adjusted exit poll

the 42% who didnt vote because the rockefellers rigged both sides' primaries and the general are the ones the democrats should woo

vote your conscience


so wht broke up standard oil in 1911

the rockefellers convinced ike to run as a repub in 1952 against robert taft in the repub primary which robert taft won the popular vote by 9% and lost the election

if you gaslight me i'll unfriend you

chuck hagel works for chevron


chuck hagel won both his senate seats in underdog elections in nebraska using 90% es&s voting machines which he had been the ceo of just before he ran in his first senate race

bev harris - black box voting & fractional voting

es&s admitted giving their tabulators remote access software



see real bernies are still angry and repub and foreign infiltrator bernies are trying to sow dissent we went thru the same thing in 2016 but we didnt know the extent of the russian involvment or that assange was likely working for russia

but it didnt matter thanks to noam chomsky the greens voted strategically giving hillary the popular vote while still tripling their vote total from the previous pres election

somehow we will all sort it out and work together again to get the popular vote for whomever is the liberal nominee but since the system is still corrupt it wont matter anyway

vote your conscience, bernie unifies

by the way 1/4 of all 2016 voting eligible  blacks in florida who were disenfranchised in the last pres election will be able to vote this year thx to citizens referrendums


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